Yesterday me had a break fast with my colleague at Restoran Nelayan Titiwangsa. dlm lebih kurang 15 org far the food is okelah...
Makanan yg ada:
steamboat - sket sgt choice..dah lah refill lmbt.
chicken bbq - tak rase tp derang kata tawar,
sate - lmbt sgt bakarnye..pastu limit plak seorg 5 cucuk..leceh nak tgu,
chinese food - oke nice lah for me,
malay food - also oke..
the ambience tak menarik sgt sbb nmpk cm dah usang dgn bau yg tidak menyenangkan...sib baek lah me bedal far if give a star from ***** i give ** and 1/2...sori ye mmg tak menepati piawaian..
apa-apapun enjoice the picture ye..sori for the quality of the pic due that i'm only use s500i without no this are the pic eh..
gbr derang jer..derang nie tak reti2 ke nak amik gbr me..citt dah takder gbr meja lai satu.. :(
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